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Charles Wuorinen - Haroun And The Sea Of Stories

Charles Wuorinen - Haroun And The Sea Of Stories

Stock Status: In Stock

Haroun And The Sea Of Stories is a 1990 childrens book by Salman Rushdie. Rushdies fifth novel, following The Satanic Verses, it is a phantasmagorical story that begins in a city so old and ruinous that it has forgotten its name Charles Wuorinen brings the tale to life with musical wit.

Soprano Heather Buck rejoins BMOP as the titular Haroun on a fantastical adventure in a make-believe world, based loosely on Bombay and Kashmir. Haroun must stop the Ocean of the Sea of Stories from being polluted to save his father, Rashid (Stephen Bryant), from the wrath of evil politician Snooty Buttoo (Matthew DiBattista). Along the way Haroun meets fanciful imagined creatures, all sung by some of the best singers Boston and the US have to offer.

Wuorinens intricate score and James Fentons libretto, are delightfully brought to life by an impressive all-star cast.


In addition to this flawless casting, and the energy of the choir brings together the best of musical and opera, we taste the reactivity of an orchestra which gives all its impact to a very active writing

  • Artist:
    Charles Wuorinen
  • EAN:
  • Discs:
  • Release:
    February 2021
  • Product Code:
  • Weight: