
Annette Funicello - Pineapple Princess 1958-62 LP

Annette Funicello - Pineapple Princess 1958-62 LP

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Annette Funicello - Pineapple Princess: The Singles & More 1958-62 

Starting her career at the age of 13 as a “Mouseketeer” on The Mickey Mouse Club, Annette Funicella almost accidentally became a popular and successful singer, with a chart career that lasted through the latter years of the 1950s and into the ‘60s. Annette herself acknowledged that she was not the greatest singer, but it was her precocious innocence and natural approach that endeared her to audiences, enabling the Disney organisation to use her TV and movie exposure to enjoy successful singles and albums which covered a range of styles that defied the “novelty teen pop” label that was slapped on her.

Similar to the likes of Miley “Hannah Montana” Cyrus, Annette’s audience grew up with her, and she graduated from appealing to younger teens to forge a movie career starring in the hugely successful series of “beach movies” during the 1960s with Frankie Avalon, an artist who shared her fresh, unchallenging clean-cut appeal.

This collection focuses on her singles career and includes all her chart hits alongside a selection of B-sides and album tracks. Through the album, you can hear how she maintained her appeal to her fans as they shared growing up together. From the early unabashed novelty stylings of That Crazy Place From Outer Space through Tall Paul, O Dio Mio, The Parent Trap to her final hit Teenage Wedding it is an entertaining showcase for her distinctive and unusual style full of unadulterated joy and innocence. 

Track Listing

A1 - How Will I Know My Love
A2 - That Crazy Place from Outer Space
A3 - Tall Paul
A4 - Jo Jo the Dog Faced Boy
A5 - Lonely Guitar
A6 - Wild Willie
A7 - First Name Initial
A8 - O Dio Mio
A9 - Train of Love

B1 - Pineapple Princess
B2 - Talk to Me Baby
B3 - Dream Boy
B4 - The Parent Trap
B5 - Blue Muu Muu
B6 - Dreamin' About You
B7 - My Little Green Shack
B8 - He's My Ideal
B9 - Teenage Wedding

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  • Release:
    October 2023
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